Sports Capture Mobile App
Regularly $99.99
Now Free with a tagupStandard or tagupPremium subscription
Beta currently available for iOS and Android.
tagup on the fly
Any play, any time, anywhere; fielded and relayed directly to your channel.
Sick of spending on expensive recording equipment? Tired of uploading, organizing, and editing hours of footage? Allow us to introduce you to tagupCam, the app built to simplify every part of your filming process. Utilizing tagupCompression and tagupSync, our app allows you to capture the game like never before. Just hit the record button, and as soon as you are done filming your footage will be dynamically titled and relayed directly to your profile. Whether you are filming your player, a potential recruit, or yourself, tagupCam will take your softball documentation to the next level. Make the right call and install tagupCam today.
Simple and Straightforward.
No complicated process, build your personal brand with the press of a button.
Actual game footage captured with the tagupCam app for tagupShowcase.
The hub for every highlight.
With a category for every part of your story.
The command center for the moments that will bolster your player profile. Give your fans a concentrated view of what you can do on the diamond. Select the Individual Plays tab on your homepage, begin recording, and your plays will be instantly uploaded to your profile.
Organization is key, and with your Games tab, it is now easier than ever. Compile, catalog, and categorize to your heart’s content. Whether you are uploading a series of game clips, or a full game, this tab allows you to make sure your film is arranged and in order.
The space for all the work you put in before and after the game. Begin uploading your workouts to create a one of a kind timeline of you becoming faster, stronger, and an all around better ball player. Bring shine to your grind and start showcasing your work ethic and skills.
Add another dimension to your profile by sharing all of the highlights that happen outside of the game. Post some of your best tips, tricks, or team moments, and show the tagup community an inside look at what makes your journey your own.
Our tech, three steps, and you're in
Download the App and get your film rolling
1. Select Sport
Swipe to select your sport, then
enter your login credentials.
2. Select Season
Use the toggle to select whether you will
post to your Summer or School Team.
3. Select Type
Select which type of content you will
capture for your tagupChannel.
Cut out costly equipment
Complete coverage from your existing iOS or Android phone, uploaded instantly.
You need to buy this extension in order to review it.